The Asia Pacific Journal of Management, based at the UT Dallas School of Management, has celebrated its 25th anniversary with a special issue.

The special issue features an editorial, “Celebrating 25 Years of Asia Pacific Management Research,” by editor in chief Mike Peng, the Provost’s Distinguished Professor of Global Strategy at UT Dallas.

Among articles in the special issue is “The Adolescence of Asia Management Research,” co-authored by UT Dallas doctoral students Erin Pleggenkuhle-Miles, Ramya Aroul and Sunny Sun. They were assisted by Dr. Yu-Shan Su, a Fulbright Scholar from Chang Jung Christian University in Taiwan who conducted research at UT Dallas in 2006-07.

Scholars based in Australia, Germany, Great Britain, Hong Kong, the Netherlands, Singapore, Taiwan and the United States also contributed to the issue.

Founded in 1983, the Asia Pacific Journal of Management is the official publication of the Asia Pacific Academy of Management.

In 2007, the academy appointed Dr. Peng as its first editor in chief not based in Asia and relocated the publication from Singapore to UT Dallas. The school’s commitment to Asia-Pacific management research figured highly in the decision.

Dr. Peng leads a global team of nine senior editors in six countries and a 60-member editorial board from universities based in Asia, Europe and North America.

UT Dallas faculty members play a leading role in the journal. School of Management faculty member Dr. Eric Tsang serves as senior editor, and professors Greg Dess and Seung-Hyun Lee serve on the editorial board.

Media contact: Jill Glass, UT Dallas, (972) 883-5989,

Dr. Mike Peng is the editor-in-chief of Asia Pacific Journal of Management.