Ten undergraduates from Mexico are conducting research at UT Dallas this summer.

The participants in the UT Dallas-Mexico Summer Research Program, all of whom hope one day to pursue doctoral degrees in science and engineering, have been assigned faculty mentors and given research projects to complement their individual career interests.

The nine-week program is organized by the Office of Graduate Studies and the Center for U.S.-Mexico Studies at UT Dallas.

The participants are required to write a progress report and give a public final presentation of their research results at the end of the month.

The program is made possible by a collaboration with the Eugene McDermott Scholars Program.

The UT Dallas faculty mentors are: Robert Wallace (electrical engineering), Diandra L. Leslie-Pelecky (physics), Yan Cao (mathematics), Stephen Spiro (biology), Steven Nielsen (chemistry), Anvar Zakhidov (nanotechnology), Gerald Burnham (electrical engineering), Gregg Dieckman (chemistry), Nasser Kehtarnavaz (electrical engineering), Eric Vogel (electrical engineering), Kim Jiyoung (electrical engineering), Manuel Quevedo (material sciences), and Thomas Lambert (English and cultural program).

Media Contact: Office of Media Relations, UT Dallas, (972) 883-2155, newscenter@utdallas.edu

UT Dallas-Mexico
Summer Research Program Guests

Listed by the universities they attend, the students and their research interests are:

Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education
     Daniel Molina (biotechnology)

University of Las Americas, Puebla
     Elba Cepeda (chemical engineering)
     Maria Gonzalez (physics)
     Jessica Dominguez (applied mathematics)

University of Guanajuato
David Torres (mathematics)
     Mariana Alvarado (physics)
     Jose Guzman (signal processing)
     Tania Munoz (pharmaceutical and biological

Technological Institute of Saltillo
     David Fraustro (material sciences)
     David Ramos (material sciences)