The Department of Mathematical Sciences is hosting a workshop Dec. 18-20 devoted to connections between knot theory and quantum computing.


Sponsored by the National Science Foundation, it will be the first in a series of planned conferences at UT Dallas about relations between knot theory and other fields of sciences.


The conference has been co-organized with George Washington

University. The UT Dallas organizers are Professor Viswanath Ramakrishna and Assistant Professor Mieczyslaw Dabkowski of the Department of Mathematical Sciences.


Knot theory is the mathematical branch of topology that studies mathematical knots, which are defined as embeddings of a circle in 3-dimensional space (imagine a knotted string with the ends joined together).


Quantum computing involves the direct use of the relationship between energy and matter to perform operations on data.


In recent years, there have been exciting new developments in the area of knot theory.


The list of speakers includes internationally acclaimed topologists. This workshop provides a venue for researchers to communicate and work with one another. Ph.D. students and fresh Ph.D.s are encouraged to attend.





Knot theory conference organizers


Professor Viswanath Ramakrishna (left) and Assistant Professor Mieczyslaw Dabkowski organized the conference for UT Dallas.