Sicko, a humorous critique of the U.S. health care system, will get a free screening followed by a panel discussion at UT Dallas next week.
The controversial Michael Moore film is up for Best Documentary at this year’s Academy Awards. The screening, which is sponsored by the Health Professions Advising Center, Pre-Law Society and Meteor Theater, is at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 21, in the Conference Center (1.102).
The panel discussion that follows will include:
- John Sadler, M.D., professor of medical ethics and psychiatry, UT Southwestern.
- Richard Scotch, Ph.D., professor of sociology and political economy, UT Dallas.
- Devon Herrick, Ph.D., senior fellow, National Center for Policy Analysis.
- Fabrice Jotterand, Ph.D., assistant professor of philosophy, UT Dallas.
Sicko profiles several ordinary Americans whose lives have been disrupted, shattered, and — in some cases — ended by health care problems. The documentary’s promoters say, “The film makes clear that the crisis doesn’t only affect the 47 million uninsured citizens—millions of others who dutifully pay their premiums often get strangled by bureaucratic red tape as well.”
Sicko received a standing ovation at the Cannes Film Festival and garnered largely favorable reviews in the U.S. but also attracted criticism for what some described as short-sighted praise of care systems in other countries.
Meteor Theater will also show Sicko at 10 p.m. on Thursday and Friday, Feb. 21 and 22, in MC 2.410.
Michael Moore’s health care documentary has been nominated for an Academy Award. |