Accolades: Doctoral Student, Faculty Receive Recognition

By: Office of Media Relations | May 25, 2017

Accolades is an occasional News Center feature that highlights recent accomplishments of UT Dallas faculty and students. To submit items for consideration, contact your school’s communication manager.

Computer Science Professor’s Work Honored as Most Influential Paper of 2007

Dr. Andrian Marcus

Dr. Andrian Marcus

A paper published in 2007 by UT Dallas computer science associate professor Dr. Andrian Marcus has been selected as the most influential paper from that year’s conference and was recognized at the 25th IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension in Buenos Aires recently.

The paper, “Combining Formal Concept Analysis with Information Retrieval for Concept Location in Source Code,” was written by Marcus with his student, Denys Poshyvanyk, while both were at Wayne State University in Detroit.

Cited in 222 subsequent papers, Marcus and Poshyvanyk’s work addresses the problem of concept location in source code. They presented an approach that combines formal concept analysis and latent semantic indexing to organize different concepts and their relationships present in the subset of the search results.

The honor is Marcus’ third “most influential paper” award in three years, after 10-year recognition for the 2006 paper, “The Conceptual Coupling Metrics for Object-Oriented Systems” at the 32nd IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution; and for the 2004 paper, “An information retrieval approach to concept location in source code” at the 2014 IEEE CSMR-WCRE 2014 Software Evolution Week.

Doctoral Student Earns Honors for GIS Research

Hyeongmo Koo

Hyeongmo Koo

Hyeongmo Koo, a geospatial information sciences doctoral student, received a student paper award from the 2017 Korea-America Association for Geospatial and Environmental Sciences.

The award, which recognizes student articles published in the fields of geography, geospatial technologies and environmental sciences, was presented during the American Association of Geographers annual meeting in Boston.

Koo also was named an Environmental Sciences Research Institute (ESRI) Development Center 2017 Student of the Year for the paper. ESRI, a leading producer of GIS software, designated the School of Economic, Political and Policy Sciences’ GIS program as a development center that will contribute to future releases of ESRI products.

Koo’s work addresses how to generate a reliable map considering uncertainty in the values from measurement and sampling errors. Koo and co-authors proposed a method to optimally classify the values to generate a reliable map.

The study was published online this February in the Annals of the American Association of Geographers. The article, part of Koo’s dissertation, was co-authored by Dr. Yongwan Chun, associate professor of geospatial information sciences; and Dr. Daniel A. Griffith, Ashbel Smith Professor of geospatial information sciences. The National Institutes of Health supported the research.

Spatial Statistics Expert Receives Emerging Scholar Award

Dr. Yongwan Chun

Dr. Yongwan Chun

Dr. Yongwan Chun, associate professor of geospatial information sciences at UT Dallas, received the inaugural Emerging Scholar Award from the Spatial Analysis and Modeling specialty group of the American Association of Geographers (AAG).

The emerging scholar award honors significant contributions to education and research initiatives. Chun received the award at the AAG’s recent conference.

Chun, who teaches in the School of Economic, Political and Policy Sciences, is an expert in spatial statistics and GIS focusing on urban and economic issues including population migration, commuting and urban crime. He has received research grants from agencies including the National Science Foundation and National Institutes of Health.