The University of Texas at Dallas will recognize 255 employees for their years – in many cases decades – of service Tuesday, March 6.
Dr. Ross Roeser joined the Callier Center before it merged with The University of Texas System and UT Dallas in 1975.
Service Awards
Time: 3 p.m., Tuesday, March 6
Location: Alexander Clark Center Auditorium

Mary Walters, director of the Student Union, was hired in 1981, six years after UT Dallas began admitting juniors and seniors.
The Annual Service Awards will honor employees who reached service milestones in September 2010 through August 2011. The ceremony starts at 3 p.m. in the Alexander Clark Center auditorium. Co-workers, family and friends are welcome.
Dr. Ross Roeser, professor and executive director emeritus of the Callier Center for Communication Disorders, will be recognized for 40 years of service. Roeser, who also is the Howard B. and Lois C. Wolf Professor for Pediatric Hearing, joined Callier before it merged with The University of Texas System and UT Dallas in 1975.
Roeser’s career has spanned administrative, teaching and research efforts, but some of his favorite UT Dallas memories involve a time especially devoted to students: commencement.
“At graduation, we see the students, what I consider the ‘fruits of our labor,’ successfully completing their degrees,” he said. “The AuD (doctorate of audiology) program is relatively small; we get to know our students and they become part of the Callier family. I feel similar to a successful farmer harvesting a crop when we have graduation. The only difference is that the graduating students are just beginning their professional careers and will be our ambassadors, representing the UT Dallas/Callier doctor of audiology program wherever they go.”
Roeser counts the University’s mission to become a nationally recognized research university as one of the most significant institutional developments he has witnessed in four decades.
“Research and teaching are clearly very important, and they always have been, but now the focus of the University is much more defined,” Roeser said. “It makes it much easier for the faculty to prioritize and focus.”
Over the years, Roeser’s expertise and reputation have influenced the field of audiology beyond the campus, but he has remained dedicated to the University and to the Callier Center.
“I have continued to have a passion for working at Callier because every time I was invited to consider other positions and looked at our resources and other aspects of possibly relocating, it made me realize the breadth and depth of the programmatic and administrative capabilities that the UTD/Callier Center has,” Roeser said. “So even though there were other opportunities, they paled in comparison to what was available at UT Dallas and Callier.”
Mary Walters, director of the Student Union, will receive a 30-year service award on Tuesday.
“When I started work at UT Dallas, many of the students were older than me,” recalled Walters.
Walters joined the University in 1981, six years after UT Dallas began admitting juniors and seniors. She was in her mid-20s when she joined the University’s fledgling recreational sports department as a part-time recreation specialist. The department’s offices were in the McDermott Library, and the University regularly reserved local cities’ athletic fields for activities.
Walters served in the UT Dallas athletics department for more than 25 years, part of which included a stint as the University’s first athletics director. She witnessed the University join the National Association for Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) in 1993, as UT Dallas resolved to provide a holistic college experience for recently admitted freshman and sophomores. In 1998, the University joined the NCAA and opened the Activity Center.
“Being involved in the start of a formal athletics program at UTD is one of my fondest memories,” Walters said. “It was an amazing process.”
From her current vantage point at the Student Union, Walters can easily see how far the University has come.
“The exponential increase in student involvement, combined with the development of the mall and the rest of the physical campus, makes it a much more connected environment,” she said.
“I’ve grown up here,” Walters said of her time at UT Dallas. “The time has gone by in a heartbeat.”
Service Award Honorees
40 Years |
Ross Roeser Behavioral and Brain Sciences |
Larry Harmon Space Sciences |
30 Years |
Mary Gribble ECS Student Services Edward Harpham Undergraduate Education Ivor Page Engineering/Computer Science |
Bart Sand Educational Enhancement Media Services Judy Snellings Office of the President Mary Walters Student Union |
20 Years |
Barbara Burbey Physics Dachang Cong Interdisciplinary Studies Sergio Cortes Chemistry Euel Elliott Economic Political & Policy Sciences Sandhya Gavva Chemistry Linda Heard Chemistry Joseph Izen Physics Peter Lewin Management |
Craig Lewis Facilities Administration Stanley Liebowitz Management Susan Milligan Behavioral and Brain Sciences Homer Montgomery Science & Math Education Sheila Rollerson Economic, Political & Policy Sciences Haim Schweitzer Computer Science Wanda Trotta Graduate Studies Larry Walston Network and Unix Services
10 Years |
Robert Atkins Facilities Management Indranil Bardhan Management Ray Baughman Chemistry Nathan Berg Economic, Political & Policy Services Reda Bernoussi Finance Tiffany Bortz Management Diane Broadhead Records & Registration James Brown Facilities Administration Norris Bruce Management Jenifer Carlock Callier Center Communication Darrell Chambers Educational Enhancement Media Services Sui Yu Ye Choi Molecular & Cell Biology Harold Clarke Economic, Political & Policy Sciences Carol Cokely Behavioral and Brain Sciences Kendra Cooper Computer Science Daniel Cordova Multicultural Center Van Dam Management Cary Delmark Communications Michael Doty Career Center Darla Dougherty Student Media Amal El-Ashmawi Management Deidria Ellington Management Tahmoures Elyasi University Library Ting Fischer Enrollment Services John Fowler Executive MBA Jacquelyn Gamino Center for BrainHealth Lisa Garza Career Center Nathaniel Geron IR – AIS Bonnie Gordon Geosciences Rebecca Gozzola Arts & Humanities Richard Grant Financial Services Ernan Haruvy Management Robert Henke Electrical Engineering Rodolfo Hernandez-Guerrero Academic Affairs & Provost Jenni Huffenberger Student Affairs Sylvia Johnson University Library Beth Keithly Research Judith Kimbriel Arts & Humanities Thomas Koch University Library Teresa Kruse Executive MBA Charles Laird IR – AIS Thomas Lambert Arts & Humanities Gil Lee Electrical Engineering Jeong-Bong Lee Electrical Engineering Patricia Leek Interdisciplinary Studies
Jerrie Lipple Budget Jacqueline Long Interdisciplinary Studies Sherry Marek Academic Affairs & Provost Jeffrey Martin Behavioral & Brain Sciences John Maynard Research Angela Mcnulty Interdisciplinary Studies Kent Mecklenburg Behavioral & Brain Sciences Ramona Metcalf Academic Affairs & Provost Kathy Meyer Career Center Rade Milovanovic Academic Affairs & Provost Sandra Mitchell Environmental & Health Safety Vijay Mookerjee Management Brian Nelson Computer Science Alex Nestor IR – EAS Nancy Orlowski Behavioral & Brain Sciences Greg Ozbirn Computer Science Chien Paden Management Issa Panahi Electrical Engineering Barbara Parker ECS Student Services Michael Perdue Space Sciences Loreen Phillips University Library Joseph Picken Management Vivian Rutledge Human Resources Management Ricardo Saad Electrical Engineering Felicity Sale Behavioral & Brain Sciences Luis Salinas Academic Affairs & Provost Charles Salomon Human Resources Management Rudy Sandoval Facilities Administration Ilya Sapozhnikov Molecular & Cell Biology Myriam Schleppenbach Comet Center David Scott Facilities Administration Mohomedali Sheikh Facilities Administration Kenneth Sherman Callier Center Communication Robert Shewmake Athletics Fannae Shields Career Center Morgan Shockey Arts & Humanities Sheryl Skaggs Economical, Political & Policy Sciences Billie Thompson Management Laurie Thompson Computer Science Luell Thompson Management Amy Troutman Management Gualberto Trujillo Facilities Administration Julie Weekly Computer Science Anvar Zakhidov Physics
5 Years |
Frank Anderson Management Donald Arbuckle Economic, Political & Policy Sciences Paula Austell Development & Alumni Relations Josefa Banda Facilities Administration John Barden Management Crystal Barefield Student Health Services Misty Bass Procurement Management Kalpana Basu Comet Center Paula Baxter Executive MBA Karen Baynham Career Center Barbara Blecher Management Bobby Bennett Strategic Planning & Analysis Denise Boots Economic, Political & Policy Sciences Nancy Bowles Human Resources Management Gary Brem Engineering & Computer Sciences Susan Briante Arts & Humanities Jeanette Brookshire-Washington Comet Center Emily Bryant Engineering & Computer Sciences Eddie Bull Athletics Jose Canas Facilities Administration Yan Cao Mathematical Sciences Douglas Cates Facilities Administration Kyeongjae Cho Material Science Engineering John Cole Computer Science Sean Collins Student Union Brenda Correa Interdisciplinary Studies Mareze Crone Records & Registration Ellen Curtis ECS Student Services Malgorzata Dabkowska Mathematical Sciences Dena Davis Budget Michael DeFrank Development & Alumni Relations Gracelyn Deguzman Callier Center Communication Richard Dempsey Business Affairs Kimberly Anne Distin Science & Math Education Christine Dollaghan Behavioral & Brain Sciences Frank Dufour Arts & Humanities Stephen Duke Technology Customer Service Maria Duran Facilities Administration Anahita Dutia Undergraduate Education Sam Efromovich Mathematical Sciences Donna Everson Financial Aid Tracy Felder Callier Center Communication Sharon Foster Management Anthony Franklin Facilities Administration Sue Freedman Executive MBA David Gaarder Budget Ellen Greenwald Student Counseling Matthew Grief Housing Operations Xiaohu Guo Computer Science Kevin Hamlen Computer Science Tracey Hanft Management Lynn Hankins Management Robert Harris Network & Unix Services John Hart Behavioral & Brain Sciences Patrick Haughton IR – EAS Charles Hazzard Management Melissa Hernandez-Katz ECS Student Services Jay Jascott Facilities Management Janet Johnson Arts & Humanities Kurt Kammerer Athletics Nahid Karimi University Library Theresa Kaualoku Development & Alumni Relations Linda Keith Economic, Political & Policy Sciences David Kelley Facilities Administration Devin King University Police Daniel Krawczyk Behavioral & Brain Sciences Donna Lane Printing Division Shelley Lane Arts & Humanities Lashundra Lang Callier Center Communication Laurinda Lara Human Resources Management Briana Lemos Dean of Students
Tara Lewis Arts & Humanities Xin Lu Economical, Political & Policy Sciences Richard Loveless Finance Robert Lowry Economical, Political & Policy Sciences Zhixiang Lu Texas Schools Project Criselda Lundblade Callier Center Communication Katie Luther IR – AIS Lisa Lyles Arts & Humanities Lynn Mabe Interdisciplinary Studies Jayashree Manikandan Human Resources Management Adam Martin Facilities Administration Nicholas McCormick Electrical Engineering Pamela McElrath Residential Life Yemane Mekasha University Police Roxanne Minnish Communications Michael Motes Center for BrainHealth Larry Myers Facilities Administration Zalimoon Nazir Telecommunication Services Carol Noble Enrollment Services Bruce Nunn Network & Unix Services Holly Orozco Financial Aid Mark Pace Environmental & Health Safety Jazmin Perez Material Science Engineering Ken Pinckley Enrollment Services Benjamin Piper Activity Center Nataliya Polkovnichenko Management Valerie Polkovnichinko Management Matthew Polze Management Kathy Powers Callier Center Communication Rachel Presnell Student Health Services Supat Rachavong Facilities Administration Anthony Rainey Undergraduate Education Gil Ramos University Police Brian Ratchford Management Lakeisha Reedy Facilities Administration Kelly Robinson Callier Center Communication Christa Rodriguez Behavioral & Brain Sciences Enedina Rodriguez Nanotech Institute Nils Roemer Arts & Humanities Tomieka Rogers Callier Center Communication David Routzahn Procurement Management Bart Rypma Behavioral & Brain Sciences Michelle Sancen University Library Todd Sandler Economic, Political & Policy Sciences Abhijeet Sangwan Electrical Engineering Carrilaine Schneckner Multicultural Center Christine Sekerke ECS Student Services Imperio Shanks International Student Services Kevin Siqueira Economic, Political & Policy Sciences Nicole Smith Economic, Political & Policy Sciences Mary Snedecor Science & Math Education Stephen Spiro Molecular & Cell Biology Mohammed Subhani Audit and Compliance Sharon Tadlock University Library Lorraine Tady Arts & Humanities Stacey Tu Management Gary Upton Telecommunication Services Mary Venetis Academic Affairs & Provost Mary Vice Management Jinguo Wang Material Science Engineering Yuki Watanabe Economic, Political & Policy Sciences Esther Watkins Career Center Rachel Wehner Callier Center Communication John Worrall Economic, Political & Policy Sciences Holly Worrell Activity Center James Wright Undergraduate Education Wen-Ho Yu Molecular & Cell Biology Jun Zhang Management Zhiqiang Zheng Management Yibin Zhou Management Karl Zuber University Police