Faculty and staff members are invited to a demonstration Friday of two electronic tools to help scholars in search of funding sources.

SPIN (Sponsored Programs Information Network) and GENIUS (Global Expertise Network for Industry, Universities and Scholars) are subscription databases that UT Dallas provides to assist researchers.

The Office of Sponsored Projects and McDermott Library will host the demonstration from 3 to 4:30 p.m. in the library’s computer lab (MC 2.524).

Faculty members will get a chance to create personalized SPIN profiles to receive automatic e-mail notifications of targeted funding opportunities.

The facilitators for this demonstration will be Leslie Harper of  the Office of Sponsored Projects and Ellen Safley of McDermott Library.

Faculty members who need more information on SPIN or who cannot attend this session can call Leslie Harper at x-2314 to schedule an individual demonstration or check the Human Resources training calendar for future sessions.

The Office of Sponsored Projects and the McDermott Library will be offering SPIN and GENIUS training throughout the academic year.

Media contact: Meredith Dickenson, UT Dallas, (972) 883-2293, meredith.dickenson@utdallas.edu