Negotiations Center Announces Behavioral Research Seminars

By: Office of Media Relations | Sept. 24, 2012

The Negotiations Center has announced the schedule for its fall semester Behavioral Research Seminar Series, a program of weekly talks that includes experimental and behavioral economists, psychologists, and behavioral marketing, management and, operations.

Dr. Rachel Croson is director of the Negotiations Center at UT Dallas.

The annual lecture series, which began in 2007, highlights national experts in behavioral research.

The series kicks off on Sept. 24th with Professor Cary Deck, professor of Economics at the University of Arkansas, director of the Behavioral Business Research Laboratory and co-editor of the Southern Economic Journal.

“We wanted to create this event to bring in outside speakers who do behavioral research in several different fields,” said Dr. Rachel Croson, professor of economics and of organization, strategy and international management at UT Dallas and director of the Negotiations Center. “This series serves as a forum for graduate students and faculty to interact with each other and to meet with colleagues throughout the country.”

The remainder of the series will include speakers from Virginia Commonwealth University, University of Pennsylvania, University of Minnesota and Brown University.

Behavioral Research Seminar Series

Sept. 24: Cary Deck, professor of economics, University of Arkansas, director of the Behavioral Business Research Laboratory and co-editor of the Southern Economic Journal.  Deck’s work focuses on economic system design including electronic markets and auctions and strategic behavior in games. (JSOM 1.508)

Oct. 08: Doug Davis, professor of economics, Virginia Commonwealth University. Davis uses laboratory methods to evaluate economic policy. Most recently, he has evaluated tools used by antitrust authorities for detecting collusion, and for identifying problematic mergers. (JSOM 1.508)

Oct. 15: Guest to be announced

Oct. 22: Guy Grossman, assistant professor of political science, University of Pennsylvania. Grossman uses randomized control trials, social network analysis and behavioral experiments to study political behavior and the political economy of developing nations, especially those in sub-Saharan Africa. (JSOM 1.517)

Oct. 29: David Huffman, visiting professor, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania; assistant professor of economics, Swarthmore College. Huffman’s research focuses on how behavior affects the workforce and  analyzing issues in labor economics. (JSOM 1.508)

Nov. 5: Ozalp Ozer, professor of management, University of Texas at Dallas.
Ozer’s research investigates the impact of technology and information on product development, production, and the distribution of goods and services. (JSOM 1.508)

Nov. 12: Enno Siemsen, associate professor in supply chain and operations in the Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota. Siemsen’s research focuses on the process of new product development and on human biases in demand planning and forecasting. (JSOM 1.801)

Nov. 26 Guest to be announced

Dec. 03: Dave Wozniak, assistant professor of decision science at Eastern Michigan University.  Wozniak’s research focuses on gender differences in individual decision making. (JSOM 1.508)

Dec. 10: Louis Putterman, professor of economics at Brown University. Putterman's research investigates the influence of social preferences on problems of cooperation and trust. (JSOM 1.508)

All lectures begin at 11:30 a.m. in the Naveen Jindal School of Management.  Lunch is provided, and space is limited. Those interested in attending are encouraged to RSVP to Amy Williams no later than the Thursday prior to each lecture.