The mother of a young U. S. infantryman who served in Iraq will discuss her new anthology, “Women Write the War,” at 12:30 p.m., Wednesday, March 23, at The University of Texas at Dallas (UTD).

The event is free and open to the public. A part of the McDermott Library-UTD Mercury Writer’s Series, the presentation will be held in the McDermott Library Auditorium (MC 2.410) on the UTD campus in Richardson.

Photo, Bee Pedersen
Bee Pedersen

Bee Pedersen is the mother of a young 4th Infantry Division soldier who served in Iraq. Her anthology is a collection of personal stories written by the wives and sisters of men who served in the Iraq war and, in at least one case, by a female soldier who served in the war. Pedersen compiled more than 50 stories and 70 photographs to inspire, remind and teach readers about the emotions of wartime.

The program will include readings by three contributors to the book – Serenity Rose King of the McDermott Library; Sheree Newton, mother of a soldier; and Pearletta Beth Ullrich, a soldier who served in Iraq. A reception and book signing will follow Pedersen’s talk in the Galerstein Women’s Center on the first floor of the library. Additional information on the anthology is available at For more information about the lecture, please contact Tom Koch at 972-883-4951.

A native of Denmark, Pedersen now resides in Austin, with her husband and three sons. Before starting her software consulting company, she served as an architect and renovated historic buildings in downtown Copenhagen.