A Message from President Benson, Provost Musselman: Plans for Fall 2021

By: Office of Media Relations | Feb. 10, 2021

Members of the UT Dallas Community:

Now that the spring semester is underway, we want to share our plans for the fall semester. Increasing vaccination efforts against COVID-19 allows us to project what the fall 2021 semester could herald: a resumption of extensive in-person teaching and many of our on-campus activities. We are cautiously optimistic that we can return to the dynamic environment that we previously enjoyed and which made UT Dallas one of the nation’s fastest-growing universities.

We are in the process of planning the fall 2021 course schedule to include the following three modes:

  • Traditional classroom/laboratory in-person instruction;
  • Blended/hybrid (combination of in-person and online instruction);
  • Fully online instruction.

This is a return to pre-pandemic scheduling — courses taught in person with full-capacity classrooms. If a course was taught in the traditional classroom/laboratory in-person mode before COVID-19, it will revert back to that mode for fall 2021. Asynchronous access will not be required for the traditional classroom/laboratory and blended/hybrid instruction modes. UT Dallas will continue to build upon what we have learned about the use of innovative instructional approaches and technology to enhance our teaching and extend our reach.

The University Registrar has communicated the course scheduling process to department schedulers. Deans, department heads, program directors and others involved in scheduling will have the authority to set teaching assignments within their units according to the Registrar’s process.

Since our fall plans are predicated on UT Dallas operating at full capacity, we may be able to permit a nearly full array of sporting events, concerts, lectures, celebrations and other group gatherings.

However, depending on the progression and prevalence of the virus in our communities, these plans could change and require flexibility on our part, including the possibility of returning to remote delivery of classes and other virtual events. We will continue to monitor the situation and provide our campus community with updates.

To hasten our return to a bustling, active campus, please continue to do all you can to protect yourself and others. Wear a mask; wash your hands; keep 6 feet apart from others; and, at the earliest opportunity, get the vaccine.


Richard Benson's signature

Dr. Richard C. Benson
Eugene McDermott Distinguished University Chair of Leadership

Inga Musselman's signature

Dr. Inga H. Musselman
Provost, Vice President for Academic Affairs
Cecil H. Green Distinguished Chair of Academic Leadership