The Naveen Jindal School of Management is hoping numerous photographers in the Dallas-Fort Worth area will turn their flair for photography into vivid, imaginative images that illustrate the artistic side of business.
The Jindal School is sponsoring its first ever business photo competition called “What does management look like through your lens?” Open to photographers of all skill levels – students, enthusiasts and master photographers – the contest gives aspiring and professional photographers an opportunity to showcase their works that capture business concepts. The contest is part of an effort to acquire interesting pieces for the Jindal School’s art collection to enhance the halls of its new $25 million, 110,000 square-foot addition slated for completion in 2014.
“There’s a trend among business schools to incorporate art into the student experience, and photography is one of those aspects of art,” said Erica Yaeger, assistant dean of development and alumni relations.
A scene of the Dallas skyline shows a sample interpretation of a business theme expressed through photography.
Yaeger, a member of the contest committee, said that she and Dr. Diane McNulty, associate dean of external affairs, met with Maxwell Anderson, the CEO of the Dallas Museum of Art, who encouraged the school to focus on photography, which inspired the idea for a competition.
Participants may enter their photos in one of six business categories: iconic business landmarks, teamwork, innovation, logistics, sustainability and industry.
“Rather than the traditional categories, we tried to align ours to just basic management principles or things that would make sense in a business school,” Yaeger said. “There are different perspectives of management, so it’s really thinking outside the traditional boundaries. You can see leadership, teamwork and innovation personified in different things, so we’re trying to put a creative angle on the things we teach here in the business school.”
This photograph by John Fowler, director of corporate education at the Naveen Jindal School of Management, provides another way a business theme could be represented.
John Fowler, another member of the content committee and director of corporate education at the Jindal School, studied art in college and is a photographer. He has exhibited his work and won awards in juried competitions for his urban landscapes and urban wildlife photography.
“The vision for the competition is that creativity has a place in business. Innovation and creative thinking is the basis for idea generation,” Fowler said. “The fact is that there are not many business schools that do photo competitions. It stretches people and gets them to think outside their comfort zones.”
He said the topics are broad to allow photographers to interpret how to convey their messages about management through their images.
“The goal of the project is to look at management not from a quantitative or qualitative viewpoint. It’s about showing examples and telling a story through the eye of the photographer and the lens,” Fowler said.
A first-place winner will be chosen from each of the six categories, and the winning photographs will be published in the May/June issue of Richardson Living magazine and the fall 2014 issue of Management magazine. The winners’ photos will also be on display in the Jindal School through January 2015, as well as a special exhibit opening and reception titled “Artistic Impressions of Management,” which will be held at the school on April 26.
A construction team working on the Jindal School addition takes a break to “whoosh” in another photograph taken by Fowler.
The deadline for the competition is Feb. 3. Results will be announced online on March 31.
You may enter your photo by uploading it online or by mailing it to: Naveen Jindal School of Management, Attn: Erica Yaeger, 800 W. Campbell Road, SM40, Richardson, TX, 75080 or by delivering it in person to the UT Dallas Visitor Center, marked with Attn: Erica Yaeger in the Jindal School.