
At last year's Welcome Back, Casey Sublett, Poonam Benakatti and Mackenzie Davis skated on the portable ice rink.

Welcome Back activities will help ease the January chill for UT Dallas students returning to classes for the spring 2014 semester.

Events sponsored by the Student Union and Activities Advisory Board (SUAAB) will include an outdoor ice skating experience, a comedy show, an underground poetry circus and a Japanese anime film.

“We always do a huge Welcome Week kickoff in September, and we want to keep that momentum going for the second semester,” said Kecia Baker, assistant dean of students.

“Our overall goal is to welcome back our students who have been away from campus for winter break. It’s a way to say we appreciate them,” said Jonathan White, assistant director for student life programs.

For the second year, a portable skating rink will be set up at noon Monday on Chess Plaza on the mall. The University will provide skates, hot chocolate and apple cider for the afternoon’s winter experience.

Students who have resolved to eat healthier this New Year will find nutritional support at a free Super Salad Bar from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tuesday in the Galaxy Room (SU2.602).


Derek Hughes

Actor, comedian and magician Derek Hughes will perform a comedy show at 8 p.m. Tuesday in the Clark Center. Hughes has starred as Logan on the sitcom Grown Ups and has appeared in Adam Sandler’s film Mr. Deeds. He also has guest starred on the television series Angel and CSI: NY.

To keep students energized at midweek, SUAAB will provide a Snack Attack of popcorn and roasted nuts from 2 to 4 p.m. Wednesday at the Student Union mall.

Students also can participate in a Rock-Paper-Scissors tournament sponsored by Recreational Sports at 10 p.m. Thursday in the Auxiliary Gym. Winners will receive $100 and $50 gift cards to the University Bookstore.


Andrea Gibson

The Underground Poetry Circus 10th Anniversary Edition will feature poet and activist Andrea Gibson from 10 p.m. to midnight Thursday in The Pub. Gibson has toured the country and was the first winner of the Women’s World Poetry Slam.

Meteor Theater and the International Student Services Office will present the Japanese anime film Paprika at 8 p.m. Friday in the Clark Center. The film focuses on a research psychologist’s device that allows therapists to help patients by entering their dreams.

Admission to all Welcome Back activities is free. For more information, visit the SUAAB website.