A lecture by Dr. John W. Fischer, director
of the Naval Aviation Science & Technology Office, scheduled to take place at 9 a.m. on Wednesday,
June 11, at The University of Texas at Dallas (UTD) has been postponed due to a scheduling conflict.

The lecture, part of UTD’s Homeland Security
Lecture Series, was to address technology related to the Navy’s Anti-Terrorism and Force Protection
Program. It will be rescheduled for sometime in the fall.

The Navy’s Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection
Program is a training program that is implementing new programs and using the latest technology
to prepare U.S. sailors for today’s security challenges due to heightened tensions and security.

Dr. Fischer was appointed director of the Naval
Aviation Science & Technology Office in January of 2001. His duties include planning and
coordination of the Naval Air Systems Command’s Science and Technology Program.