Free Flu Shots Available for UT Dallas Faculty, Staff

By: | Oct. 17, 2012

The UT Dallas Wellness Committee is offering flu shots on site Oct. 17-18 for faculty and staff who have UT Select health insurance. 

The flu immunizations are provided at no cost to employees with Blue Cross/Blue Shield or another insurance recognized by Mollen Immunization Clinics. Others will be charged $25 per flu shot.  

UT Dallas employees who would like a flu shot are encouraged to pre-register online using the password “Dallas.” Walk-ins are also accepted, but shots are limited and will be given on a first-come, first-served basis.

To expedite the process, employees are asked to bring their Comet Cards and completed consent forms from the registration site to the vaccination clinic of their choosing.

The flu shot clinics will be from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 17, at the Callier Center, and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 18, on the UT Dallas main campus in the Activity Center and in the Facilities Management building conference room.

In addition, UT Southwestern Medical Center (UTSW) will have an informational table at each vaccination site to answer questions about the new UTSW clinic in Richardson and the cost-saving collaborative program between UTSW and UT Select.

Located at 3030 Waterview Drive near UT Dallas, the clinic is now taking appointments for primary care and ob-gyn services. Clinic hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. For more information or to make an appointment, call the UTSW Physicians Referral Service at 214-645-8300 or the UTSW Richardson clinic at 214-633-7070.

For more information about the flu shot clinics, see the FAQs or contact Tracy Dorsey in Human Resources at or 972-883-2219.