Two UT Dallas debate teams returned from the Franklin R. Shirley Classic hosted by Wake Forest University with tournament results to be grateful for.

The team of Andrew Baker, sophomore political science major and Collegium V member, and Brian Rubaie, junior criminology major, tied for ninth place. The duo beat teams from Georgetown University, University of California – Berkeley, and Michigan State.

A total of 137 teams from across the country competed at the event Nov. 15-17.

UT Dallas was also represented in the top seven percent of the field for individual speakers. Rubaie also won an individual award, taking the 19th spot, finishing the competition with 550 out of a possible 600 points.

The freshman team of Brittany Leach, political science major from Omaha, Neb., and Collin Roark, historical studies major from Houston, finished ninth in the freshman-sophomore division.

“That’s a great result for a young team,” said Chris Burk, director of the University’s debate team.

“The highly competitive nature of intercollegiate debate motivates students to research positions from multiple angles and refine their own thinking on many important public policy issues. They emerge as better informed and highly articulate citizens, creating a new generation of public and private sector leaders.”

For more information, visit the UT Dallas debate team’s Web page.

Media Contact: Karah Hosek, UT Dallas, (972) 883-4329,
or the Office of Media Relations, UT Dallas, (972) 883-2155,