COVID-19 Update: Daily Health Check Changes for Staff, Faculty

By: Office of Media Relations | June 21, 2021

Dear Comets,

As we return to campus, please be reminded that faculty and staff who are unvaccinated or have chosen to not complete the voluntary vaccine reporting form are required to complete the Daily Health Check each day. To facilitate compliance with this requirement, on July 1, 2021, all faculty and staff members (except those who have already opted out) will be automatically enrolled in the Daily Health Check. If you are fully vaccinated, you may opt out of completing the Daily Health Check and the proactive testing program by completing the following steps.

How To Opt Out of the Daily Health Check

Complete the voluntary vaccination reporting form.

  • If you are fully vaccinated as of July 1, and have submitted the form, you will be automatically opted out of the Daily Health Check.
  • If you are NOT fully vaccinated as of July 1;
    • Two weeks after your final vaccination, you will receive an automated email or text message with a link to opt out of the Daily Health Check.
    • Please allow for at least 48 hours after submitting your vaccination disclosure form to receive the Daily Health Check opt-out communication.

If you do not receive an opt-out option, your NetID may not have been entered into the form correctly. Please resubmit your Voluntary Vaccine Reporting form.

Individuals are considered fully vaccinated:

  • Two weeks after their second dose in a two-dose series, such as the Pfizer, Moderna or AstraZeneca vaccines, or;
  • Two weeks after a single-dose vaccine, such as Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen vaccine

Regardless of your vaccination status, please remember that if you are exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19, have tested positive for COVID-19 or have had close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, please fill out the COVID-19 self-report form. The form is available in both English and Spanish.

How To Opt Out of the Proactive Testing Program

Proactive Testing Program participants who are fully vaccinated and would like to opt out should contact for more details.

Vaccination Status

Supervisors cannot request confirmation of a Daily Health Check opt out or COVID-19 vaccination from their employees. Employees may self-disclose their own vaccine status to others if they choose to do so.

Thank you for your ongoing commitment to the health and safety of your fellow Comets and for remaining Comets United.


Dr. Rafael Martín
Vice President and Chief of Staff