Dear Comets:
As you may have seen in the news, the positive COVID-19 numbers have been increasing in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has elevated its COVID-19 threat level to red for Dallas, Collin and Tarrant Counties. At this level, the CDC recommends masking for all individuals in public, indoor spaces. As such, the University will resume encouraging all community members to wear masks while indoors in public spaces on campus, and signage reminding people of this guidance will be placed at the entrances to all campus facilities in the coming week.
We encourage everyone to consider their personal level of risk and focus on prevention by getting vaccinated, masking, social distancing, covering coughs and sneezes, and practicing good hand hygiene.
COVID-19 vaccines are widely available through health care providers and pharmacies, and students may get vaccinated and/or boosted through the Student Health Center. For those who are already vaccinated and/or boosted, thank you for taking that step to protect the health and safety of yourselves and those around you.
Students and employees are responsible for informing their faculty members or supervisors of any absences. For absences due to COVID-19, report a positive COVID-19 diagnosis via the UT Dallas self-report form (English or Spanish). Individuals should follow current CDC guidance for the appropriate isolation period based on their specific situation. Employees may need to use available accrued leave for all or part of the illness or isolation period if unable to perform duties. As with other illnesses, faculty and supervisors are encouraged to work with students and employees to determine the best course of action regarding their absence.
Personal health and well-being are a priority. As a reminder, every home in the U.S. is eligible to order a third round of free at-home tests. For additional information, visit the Comets United website or email
Please stay healthy and safe. Thank you for remaining Comets United.
Dr. Rafael Martín
Vice President and Chief of Staff