C-SPAN, the national public service cable television network, will bring its 2008 “Road to the White House” bus tour to the UT Dallas campus on Monday, March 26, to promote the coming presidential election and the network’s political coverage.  Tours of the campaign bus are being scheduled for students and others between 9:30 a.m. and 10:45 a.m.  Tours will also be available on a walk-up basis for other members of the university community and the general public from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. and again from 10:45 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

The bus will be located on the walkway between the Student Union and the Founders Building, adjacent to the Pub restaurant.  Tours of the vehicle, which is a 45-foot mobile television production studio, will feature videotaped interviews with major presidential candidates, give-aways and presentations by employees of C-SPAN.

The C-SPAN bus is in the midst of a nationwide tour that will take it to major political events such as candidate debates and speeches in early primary states.  The “Road to the White House” tour takes its name from the network’s popular political program that will mark its 20th year on the air in 2008.

The event is sponsored in part by Time Warner Cable, and is co-hosted by UT Dallas’ Political Science Program and the Texas Politics Center as part of their effort to encourage student political knowledge and engagement.  After leaving UT Dallas, the bus will visit the Southeast Campus of Tarrant County College in Arlington.

Contact Steve McGregor, UT Dallas, (972) 883-2293, smcgreg@utdallas.edu

C-SPAN’s 2008 “Road to the White House” bus rolls onto the UT Dallas
campus on Monday, March 26. It will be parked on the walkway
between the Founders Building and the Student Union.