The opening of Affinities, a new exhibit of images from the Jerry and Marilyn Comer Photography Collection, will kick off a varied week of arts events at UT Dallas.

Luis Mallo, Passengers, included in the Comer Collection
The exhibit’s opening reception is Tuesday, Feb. 7, at 2 p.m. in the University Theatre Gallery.
The Comer Collection captures scenes of American life from the middle to late 20th century. Jerry Comer, who earned a master’s degree in management from UT Dallas in 1977, donated his personal collection of photos to the University in 2004.
Photos in the exhibit include works by Larry Fink, Andrea Modica, Luis Mallo, Rufus O. Lovett, Andres Serrano and Paula Willmot Kraus.
Other events for the week include:
Faculty @ 5: Ellendanceworks, Wednesday, Feb. 8, at 5:30 p.m. in the Jonsson Performance Hall. An informal presentation of several original works by the Elledanceworks Dance Company will be followed by an open discussion with the choreographers and dancers, led by co-directors Ronelle Eddings and UTD faculty member Michele Hanlon.
Center for Values Discussion Forum: Ethics and the Military Funding of Research, Wed., Feb. 8 at 7:30 in GR 2.530. The discussion will examine what ethical issues arise as academic researchers decide whether to accept funds from the military and from defense contractors. Speakers include Dr. Emily Tobey, Dr. Nicholas Gans, Dr. Andrew Blanchard and Dr. Marjorie Zielke.

C.D. Wright, One With Others
Poetry Reading: C.D. Wright, Thursday, Feb. 9, at 8 p.m. in the Jonsson Performance Hall. The award-winning poet C.D. Wright will read from her most recent collection of poetry, One with Others, which won a National Book Critics Circle Award and was a National Book Award finalist.

Erin Hannigan
Erin Hannigan and Friends, Saturday, Feb. 11, at 8 p.m. in the Jonsson Performance Hall. Erin Hannigan, principal oboe player of the Dallas Symphony Orchestra, will be joined by other members of the DSO wind section, Deborah Baron (flute) and Gregory Raden (clarinet), as well as pianist Gabriel Sanchez.
All events are free to students with UT Dallas photo IDs at the venue box office the night of the event. Discounts are available to faculty, staff, alumni, retirees and students from other universities. Email the Arts and Performance Office, or call (972) UTD-ARTS for more information.