Four students and two student organizations were commended for their contributions to campus life at the recent annual Student Leadership Awards Banquet.
The prestigious Student Leader of the Year designation, which recognizes outstanding student leadership, was presented to Diana Kao, a junior literary studies major and current president of Student Government.
Honorees were chosen by a leadership awards selection committee, a group made up of student life staff members who review written nominations in each category.
The dean of students and the student organization forum hosted this year’s ceremony on April 26.
Other winners were:
- Service to Student Life — Abhimanyu Singh, a computer science senior and a Student Government senator. The Service to Student Life award acknowledges a student who has gone beyond the call of duty to improve the quality of student life at UT Dallas.
- Community Service — Steven Rosson, a business administration senior. The Community Service award recognizes the dedication a student has shown in giving back to the community.
- Student Organization Leader of the Year — Megan Newman, historical studies senior and co-founder and co-president of Students for Political Education, Action and Knowledge. This award honors the outstanding leadership abilities and contributions of a student leader to their particular organization.
- Outstanding Student Organization of the Year — Chemistry Student Association. This award recognizes the student organization that has shown outstanding achievement in campus involvement and community service.
- Golden Comet Award — Student Union and Activities Advisory Board (SUAAB). The Golden Comet Award is traditionally selected by the dean of students and is presented to a student life group — not an organization — that has shown outstanding accomplishments throughout the year.
- Adviser of the Year — Arthur Gregg, assistant vice president for Multicultural Affairs and director of the Multicultural Center, for his work with Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc.