David J. Scheffer, former U.S. ambassador at large for war crimes issues and currently a top official at a leading center for policy research and public outreach on the United Nations and multilateral issues, will lecture on “The Future of International Justice” at 2 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 26, in Room 4.102 of the Jonsson Building on the campus of The University of Texas at Dallas (UTD).

David J. Scheffer

David J. Scheffer

The lecture, which will be in recognition of United Nations Day, is free and open to the public.

Scheffer currently is senior vice president of the United Nations Association of the United States of America (UNA-USA). Previously, he served as a senior fellow at the U.S. Institute of Peace, where he wrote and spoke extensively about his experiences as an ambassador in the Clinton administration and on the legal issues arising from the post-9/11 campaign against terrorism.

As ambassador at large for war crimes issues, Scheffer coordinated U.S. support for ad hoc international war crimes tribunals and United States responses to atrocities anywhere in the world. He was the chief U.S. negotiator in the United Nations talks to establish the permanent International Criminal Court.

“It is an honor to have such an international humanitarian visit UTD,” said Dr. Da Hsuan Feng, vice president for research and graduate education at UTD. “Ambassador Schaffer’s extensive work in addressing war crimes and crimes against humanity will not only help us understand the international impacts of 9/11, but how the new laws will affect us as a nation.”

Scheffer has taught at Georgetown University Law Center, Duke University School of Law and Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs, and has published extensively. He is a graduate of Harvard College in government and economics, and law programs at Oxford and Georgetown universities.


The United Nations Association of the United States of America (UNA-USA) is the country’s largest grassroots foreign policy organization, and the leading center of policy research on the United Nations. It is a nonprofit, nonpartisan group designed to educate Americans of every age about critical issues tackled by the U.N. With a growing membership of 25,000 and more than 100 affiliated organizations, UNA-USA sponsors programs and events designed to encourage participation in global issues.