UT Dallas to Host Texas Visual Arts Association
High School Art Competition Feb. 21-March 14
RICHARDSON, Texas (Jan. 23, 2004) —The Texas Visual Arts Association (TVAA) High School Art Competition will be held in the Main Gallery of the Visual Arts Building at The University of Texas at Dallas (UTD) from Feb. 21 to March 14.
This juried exhibition, sponsored by the TVAA and UTD, will offer scholarships and financial awards from TVAA, UTD and other area institutions and businesses in order to prompt excellence in the visual arts among gifted Texas high school students.
Winners of the competition will be announced at a closing reception in the Main Gallery from 2 to 4 p.m. on Sunday, March 14. Monetary awards will be provided for first, second, third and honorable mention, and UTD will present scholarships for the most outstanding work, and TVAA will present additional special awards. In addition, five Dean’s Awards will be presented by UTD.
All UTD art exhibitions are free and open to the public. The Visual Arts Building is open Mondays to Fridays from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. and on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. The gallery normally is closed on Sundays, but it will be open for the closing reception.
Jurors for the exhibition will be Christine Bisetto, gallery director and curator at the University of Dallas , UTD Assistant Professor John Pomara and Janet Tyson, Dallas editor and writer for Art Lies Magazine , art writer for Art Papers and former art critic for Fort Worth Star Telegram . The jurors will select more than 130 works for the exhibition from an estimated 1,300 works submitted to the competition.
For information about the many musical, arts, theatre, dance and other performances and exhibitions held throughout the year at UTD, please call 972-UTD-ARTS (972-883-2787), e-mail sprater@utdallas.edu or visit the School of Arts and Humanities’ web site at http://ah.utdallas.edu/
Persons with disabilities needing special accommodations may call 972-883-2982, Texas Relay Operator: 1-800-RELAYV.
About UTD
The University of Texas at Dallas, located at the convergence of Richardson, Plano and Dallas in the heart of the complex of major multinational technology corporations known as the Telecom Corridor®, enrolls about 13,700 students. The school’s freshman class traditionally stands at the forefront of Texas state universities in terms of average SAT scores. The university offers a broad assortment of bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degree programs. For additional information about UTD, please visit the university’s web site at www.utdallas.edu.